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Help us spread the good news of Jesus to the ends of the earth and usher in the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus-Christ!
Join us every week for one of our in depth studies in the books of Daniel and Revelation. We tackle these books one verse at a time until we have a deeper understanding of what the bible is teaching.
Join us for the fun!
What People Are Saying
“Ever since I was introduced to Advent Revival Ministries my knowledge of scripture and prophesy has deepened and my spiritual life has blossomed. They have a beautiful ability to teach information that is so important and yet often misunderstood and misinterpreted and do it in a manner that makes it easy for me to understand and remember. They've become a family to me, providing support and encouragement and I'm truly blessed by and grateful for both the leaders and group members! The best part is that my personal relationship with God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit has grown tremendously!”
— Liesl A.
“Finding ARM has introduced me to a community of people who have welcomed me into their family and supported me in my spiritual journey. Being a part of the ARM family has encouraged me to be always be curious and open to understanding how God could have a place in my heart.”
— Lina B.
“ARM has been very special to me. I’ve made life long friendships that are based on our mutual love for God. The woman have gone out of their way to make me feel welcomed and loved. The Bible studies are bible based which is important but they are also fun and I look forward to them every week. ARM has helped me grow through leading by example, by always being willing to help me and my family and by teaching me a bible study method that is consistent and makes sense. The Bible used to be so confusing to me but the more I study the more truth is being revealed to me.”